HALO Elite Training
At HALO, we want to provide an elite training environment for those who strive to become elite athletes. With a coaching philosophy based on hyper intensity and competition, we will provide the highest levels of technical and tactical training to young athletes in football and soccer.
As current and former collegiate and professional athletes we will impart our knowledge of gamesmanship, sportsmanship, and the work ethic required to be successful both on and off the playing field. Ultimately, our goal is to aid those who wish to be the best reach their full potential.
HALO Elite trainings are designed with the experienced player in mind. Rather than focusing on introducing sports to novice athletes, these camps are tailored towards the task of identifying, developing, and maximizing talent.
- Trainings will receive invitation to participate in camp
- All activities are age and skill appropriate when training
- Extensive positional role identification and development
- Focus on explosive movements and mental toughness
- Help develop strategic thinking on and off the field
- Technical, tactical, emotional and physical challenges
- Direct approach to coaching all student-athletes
- Daily Footwork and Finishing Games
- Parent and student-athlete training on recruiting process
- Tournament style play to create a competitive environment
- Team based games to increase sports IQ and awareness
- Benchmark testing on Mondays and Fridays for tracking
Fundamental skill development for all positions
- 5v5 or 4v4 scrimmages to develop route running, timing, reading defenses, covering receivers, and playing quickly
- Specialized speed, agility and coordination training
- Film study and discussion to further understanding of the games strategic elements
- Position specific drills for strikers, midfielders, defenders, and goalkeepers
- Daily competitions and skills exhibitions
- Circuit strength, endurance, speed, and agility training
- Individualized technical drills emphasizing creativity and ball control
- Team based tactical games focused on developing field vision and team-play
- Full field and small sided scrimmages